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"Every American has the right to a job, an adequate wage and decent living, a decent home, medical care, economic protection during sickness, accident, old age or unemployment, and a good education."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

“Change is hard. And if you don’t fight for it, you can’t win. But change can happen.”
Elizabeth Warren
1949 --
What's Up With the Democrats

"Our representative democracy is not working because the Congress that is supposed to represent the voters does not respond to their needs. I believe the chief reason for this is that it is ruled by a small group of old men."
Shirley Chisholm
Join the Discussion

The Oakmont Progressives Club has added an Issues section to this website exclusively for members to share their opinions on newsworthy events. Topics include the war in Ukraine, voter suppression, and more. Featured are videos, articles and opinions that provide critical insight into some of the pressing issues of our time. In addition, Oakmonters are welcome to contribute their ideas and opinions by joining an ongoing discussion on each page.

“The time is always right to do what is right.”
Martin Luther King

Our Latest Video
Move to Amend: End Corporate Rule. Legalize Democracy.
In Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are persons, entitled by the U.S. Constitution to buy elections and run our government. Learn where a movement for a constitutional amendment reversing the court stands.

"Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you."
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
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